Sooo, Risa recently has been contemplating over whether she should include a new manga series entitled Sensei wa Dummy to her projects, but due to it actually being scanned by an exclusive group that does not want the manga to be distributed outside its community...and possible copyright restrictions...Risa decided it would be best to do the right thing and not work on it.
Don't get me wrong,'s not what you think!
Risa really enjoys Nekota sensei's beautiful works, and it's a really cute doushinji (I think it's incomplete too)...but Risa wants to respect this scanlation group's policies and also wants to stay out of getting a strike on Youtube, so she'll share the download link + manga link with all of you so you can all take a listen to it! ^^ Hope you enjoy listening to it and/or following along w/ the manga!
TITLE: Sensei wa Dummy, 先生はダミー
MANGAKA: Nekota, Yonezou
SUMMARY: After Yunogi-san's grandmother passed away, he sold the farm and his possessions and went to Tokyo. But the 34 year old Yunogi-san soon discovers that his lack of experience will not get him a job. He iis thrilled to get a call one day about a position. After being forced into the position, he learns he is to become the publicly viewed substitute for horror writer Kirino Shuusuke.
READ MANGA: l 1 l 2 l
Below you can directly listen to the audio tracks right on my website if you aren't able to download them...PLEASE don't redistribute the links! Thank you very much, it is very much appreciated!
**NOTE: Don't be startled by the "check out" thing, in the beginning that's a watermark/advertisement xD -also in the first track there's this intro song thing. Skip to 1:26 if you want to skip and start listening to where the manga starts! C:
*** Please notify me if any of the links above are broken (don't work) ***
Also, don't worry, Risa isn't slacking off during her spring break, she's working hard on her secret thank you project for you all (9,000 SUBSCRIBERS REACHED AT LAST)!!!