Sunday, August 26, 2012

【UPDATE】Mousou Catalogue CHAPTER 3 is up!


woot woot! Finished uploading Mousou Catalogue Chapter 3 today!
I've updated the page on the directory, and it can also be found on my youtube ^^
Thanks so much for waiting so patiently, Risa hasn't been fulfilling her duties on time lately...D;
SHE'S SUPER SORRY!! I hope you can forgive me TT___TT

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

【RANDOM】...When your family finds you read...yaoi?!

 What are you supposed to say? How do you explain?

If you're like me and like to keep a secret stash of yaoi mangas...
or even if you use your computer there's always the fear of having your family members find out.
And when they do, it requires some sort of an explanation, so this page I found while reading a manga will prove to be VERY useful indeed...

This may only apply to people who buy yaoi mangas, but this will prove to be VERY helpful xDD

The answer is the image below  
(this is the version Risa filled out, below is a blank you can use 8D)

First of all, sorry for Risa's ugly handwriting D:
It's really her "mouse writing" since her tablet was now working :'(
The page gave you a good laugh, right? haha I especially love the bottom of it where it says
"please place the book gently back in its place,
turn around, and slowly walk away..."

Hopefully this page can come to use one day!
Risa knows she's definitely using it >:D
Below, you can save it onto your computer or even print it to use, lol

Click save button for link to page!
(To save it: Right click > Save picture as)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

【RANDOM】Risa's so curious, YEAHH~

Oh hai thar~ how are you all doing? n__n
Today, Risa was extremely shocked when she decided to take a break from glaring at her videos, and instead to glare at the video statistics...because she was curious
* inserts SHINEE's "Sherlock" song*

hmm hmm asdfghjklllk...YEAHHH~~♫♪♫

*ahem ahem, coughs* 
Sorry v___v Risa cannot speak or remember Korean D; </3
Anywayyyys, she saw this:
 Risa was startled at the sight of this! She usually doesn't check her demographics, but
she really was not prepared to see this! I'm not freaked out because I think it's super
bad or anything, but rather, just shocked but interested in this after seeing it.

Are people really around these ages the top people watching my videos this an error Youtube made?

*strokes imaginary beard*
This maybe a mystery I have yet to solveee~

Either way, Risa is super grateful to all of her viewers, no matter what age you may be!
Let yaoi continue to spread around the whoolleee wide world among people
of all different ages! Gender doesn't matter either, lol, Risa has yet to meet a boy
that likes yaoi. She desperately wants to meet a person like that! * ^ * <3

Cheerios, peace, and fluffy bunnies! ~